How does Walken (WLKN) work?
This is how Walken works: each controlled step contributes to the players’ overall step count. As they increase, they will gain Gems that will improve the stats of their CAThletes. This increases your chances of winning in competitions where players can win WLKN tokens with prizes depending on the league they join. Earn gems and use them to improve your CAThlete’s capabilities.

Competitions come in three formats, Urban Running, Sprinting, and Marathon Racing. Each competition format corresponds to a specific feature. Strength is about Urban Running, Speed is about Speed Running, and Endurance is about Marathon Running. This diversity allows players not to have to focus on one particular feature and instead have more freedom when it comes to the type of competition they choose to participate in. It should also be noted that the higher the league, the higher the minimum required CAThlete level, so players must constantly work on improving their CAThlete over time.

Walken NFT Catheters and Accessories
Once players have earned enough WLKN tokens, they can expand their CAthlete customization options by equipping their NFT with accessories that improve certain stats. This opens up even more opportunities to earn WLKN tokens as players can strategize by purchasing NFT accessories that compensate for their CAThlete’s weaknesses, or choosing those that further enhance their strengths. On the other hand, players can also purchase new CAThlets from the market with completely different qualities to choose from to adapt to their competition and league preferences.

Walken Protocol
Apart from launching the Walken app, the team also has the overall goal of helping gamers enter the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). Just as WEMIX works, the Walken protocol is part of the team’s plan to build a comprehensive Walken ecosystem. While the Walken protocol is still in its infancy, it will provide developers with the tools to build applications and make them part of the Walken API.
This allows studios and developers with marketing and app development experience to add Walken-related gains and DeFi functionality to their apps, or create entirely new apps with WLKN token integration.